Education Management: Persons with Severe Sensory Disorders Communication Instruction Remediation

Education Management: Persons with Severe Sensory Disorders Communication Instruction Remediation

Education Management guides clinicians through practical exercises and examples to help them set up a therapeutic treatment plan to help those with...
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37034 Education Management: Persons with Severe Sensory Disorder $40.00
Education Management is an entire curriculum that describes interventions and activities that aim not only to interest students with communication disorders, but also to help them gain feelings of security and to accomplish specific academic achievements.

Manual that Guides Through Systemic Interventions for Communication Disorder

Enid G. Wolf-Schein Ed.D. & Jerome D. Schein, Ph.D.

Ages:  All students

Individuals with severe communication disorders have extreme difficulty expressing their thoughts and feelings to others by the ordinary use of speech, language, or gesture, and they frequently have difficulty comprehending communication from others. For some, disordered communication is their primary problem; for others, it is secondary to other disabilities such as a disabling visual or hearing problems. The causes of the communication disorders are manifold and may include problems with vision, hearing, or both, as well as physical, cognitive or emotional disorders.  To speak of individuals with disordered communication, then, is to encompass a group with wide ranging abilities and highly diverse problems.

The Educational Management is an entire curriculum that describes interventions and activities that aim not only to interest students with communication disorders, but also to help them gain feelings of security and to accomplish specific academic achievements.  The curriculum aims to return students to mainstream classrooms as quickly as possible.  Clinicians are guided through practical exercises and examples to help them set up a therapeutic treatment plan step-by-step.  The following represent the different sections of the manual:

  1. The Instructional Environment
  2. Staffing
  3. Student Assessments
  4. Daily Planning
  5. Instruction - Tactics and Strategies
  6. Communication Skills
  7. Social Skills
  8. Sensorimotor Leaming
  9. Home-School  Relationships
  10. Supplementary  Readings
  11. Additional Forms

Assessment Intervention Matrix (AIM) Electronic Format, CD provides the entire curriculum on CD.

Assessment Intervention Matrix (AIM), Paper Format provides the entire curriculum in two manuals.